Terminals I need to get out of here

From: Russ Blakeman <rhblake_at_bbtel.com>
Date: Fri Jul 3 19:38:03 1998

Francois wrote:

> >I need to hear from someone and get a firm answer by Friday July 5th or
> >they go the way of the dead TV - to the dump.
> Isn't the next fiday July 5th in 2006?

Ok, I looked at the dang JUNE calendar. This next Friday, after today. the
10th. I thought *I* was picky.

 Russ Blakeman
     RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
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Received on Fri Jul 03 1998 - 19:38:03 BST

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