Ethan Dicks wrote:
> I don't know what variety you got, but the R80 (RB80) in the rack with some
> VAX-11/730's is a cheap and easy disk to use. Slow, but supported. I
> have one in storage. The 11/730 is the slowest UNIBUS machine made (along
> with the 11/725, same CPU, different box), .3 to .4 VUPs (the 11/780 and
> MicroVAX II are the benchmark, about 1 VUP). You can't officially extend the
> UNIBUS, but unofficially, I have attached a BA11 to a 730. It works, but
> there are no shielded cables to stay FCC compliant with.
Just a few notes: The VUP is based on the speed of the 11/780 alone. The MicroVAX II is 0.9 VUP.
> It will also run Ultrix (BSD UNIX). I recommend an old version, say, 1.1.
Um... Ultrix is NOT BSD Unix. You may only have been saying that they're similar, however....
> We always used a tu80 on our 11/730. There are other drives you can use,
> but that was the cheapest way for us to go.
Best way to go: Find a Unibus SCSI controller. Rare, expensive, but well worth the cost.
J. Buck Caldwell
Engineer - Technical Support - Webmaster
Polygon, Inc. phone: (314) 432-4142
PO Box 8470 fax: (314) 997-9696
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Received on Wed Jul 08 1998 - 09:12:10 BST