Oh, boy. What a haul!

From: Dellett, Anthony <Anthony.Dellett_at_Staples.com>
Date: Fri Jul 10 12:50:31 1998

What are the chances of getting one of the sets of 11/34 docs? I got one
of these and a set of docs would just rock!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard A. Cini, Jr. [mailto:rcini_at_email.msn.com]
> Sent: Friday, July 10, 1998 1:21 PM
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Oh, boy. What a haul!
> Hello, all:
> I made another trip to Temple University yesterday to
> rummage through
> their storehouse of old computers and documentation. I hate
> to post a list,
> but I don't have a working web site yet, and I want everyone
> to know what I
> have in case someone needs something.
> Here it goes...
> 1. Mac Portable (no HD, bad batteries)
> 2. Many Unibus and Q-Bus boards
> 3. Odd DEC single-board computer. 10" x 7" labeled DEC
> 54-16489, Has two
> 84-pin PLCC chips
> with the LSI LIA 0433 and 0434 marks. Has a DB25,
> DB15, and DB9.
> Recognizable chips
> include 8051, FD1796, CDP 6402 (RCA), and D7201C
> (NEC) Can anyone
> identify this?
> 4. Three Motorola 68K educational computers. Has 32k RAM,
> 68K, 6850,
> 14411 chips and a
> proto area. Also has two EPROMs. Any guess?
> 5. Three KIM-1s!! (There are one or two more left, too). Two are
> MOS-labeled, one is *brand new* from
> Conversational Voice Terminal Corp. of Chicago. Need
> data on this
> one. The MOS-labeled ones
> have 1976-dated ceramic chips.
> 6. A S-100 backplane from Forethought Products. Has 8
> slots, some glue
> and regulator chips.
> 7. Lots of documentation. A sampling...
> -- Intel: MCS80/85 User Guide (1983), Memory Handbook
> (83), Embedded
> Controller Book (88), Component Data Book (80; looks to be
> full-line), OEM
> Boards (87), 8080/85 Assembly Language Programming Manual,
> Applications
> Note --implementing a floppy system (1981).
> -- DEC: Logic handbook (77), Microcomputer
> Microprocessors (78)
> -- Motorola: MC68020 User Man., MEK6800 Guide, 6809 Assembly
> Language, 6800 Pgmr. Ref. Manual.
> -- Full documentation set for the Rockwell AIM-65
> computer (user
> guide, BASIC language, Programmers Manual, Hardware Manual,
> Monitor Program
> Listing).
> -- Textbooks on microprocessors by Tocci & Laskowski,
> and Camp, Smay
> & Triska
> 8. Old magazines. The guy who ran the CS department before
> the guy I know
> saved everything. Byte's going back to 1978 (too many to get
> this trip),
> Datamation, others that I never heard of. But, the jewel is
> that I came
> *this* close to getting the Altair issue of Popular Electronics.
> Unfortulately, this guy only had as far back as 1/76.
> Articles include:
> Cosmal Elf construction articles, SOL construction, build a Scientific
> Calculator, music with the 8080, TV Typewriter, SpeechLab,
> Computer Club
> listings, a personal microwave communications system, various
> Classic-relevant product reviews and buyer's guides.
> 9. DEC paper tapes: PDP-11 power fail, LPS11 tests,
> General Test Program,
> RK05 dynamic test, RK11 utilities, exerciser, static tests.
> 10. Complete print sets for the following: PDP 11/34A (two copies,
> complete), FP11, H960 cabinet, KSI-11, DLV-11, DL-11, H9720,
> ET-LSI-11,
> LSI-11 power supply, MS11, PC11, LPS11, MR11, M873, KD11F,
> RK05 (regular, F,
> and J).
> My plan is to scan the articles, and have an on-line
> database hanging
> off of a web site. I also want to implement a bar code system for my
> goodies. That'll take a while, though.
> Anyway, thanks for the bandwidth.
> Rich Cini/WUGNET <nospam_rcini_at_msn.com>
> - ClubWin! Charter Member
> - MCP Windows 95/Windows Networking
> - Preserver of "classic" computers
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Received on Fri Jul 10 1998 - 12:50:31 BST

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