On Fri, 3 Jul 1998, Tony Duell wrote:
> > Ouch! And if my machine is the same, this would disprove my theory about
> > the plugs, unless the 8-pin connector that I think might be for the video
> > actually just mated with a 5-pin connector.
> A 5 pin DIN plug will mate with a 7 or 8 pin socket (!). Just what you
> need to cause problems IMHO.
> Which way round do you think the connectors are?
I think it's the 5-pin connector for the power, and the 8-pin connector
for the video. Which sounds safe. :)
I'll try to trace the pins as you suggested in another post, Tony, and get
back later. But I don't have an oscilloscope or logic analyser to help
figure out the video signal. Which makes me regret not picking up those
old oscilloscopes that I saw at a garage sale last year, only a couple of
miles from here. :/
> -tony
Doug Spence
Received on Fri Jul 10 1998 - 05:56:16 BST