Painting Macs (was: fake next)

From: Jack Peacock <>
Date: Tue Jul 14 12:23:03 1998

DEC actually tried something like that in the late 70's, they had an
option for some kind of designer pattern painted on small racks going
into office environments. I think it only lasted a few months, but I do
remember getting the brochures from DEC (company was an OEM from DEC at
the time). Response was underwhelming. Personally, if it isn't beige
or blue I don't consider it a "real" computer. When DEC went to the
black racks and purple lettering (hmm, early 70s?) that was too radical
for me, I was glad to see a return to the traditional beige rack.

DEC did have a nice desk with a builtin short rack, it was sold with
PDP-8s used for small business office applications. It looked like a
regular desk, but the left side was actually a 19" wide rack. It held a
BA-11 and a dual 8" floppy box. For our customers that was more popular
than the "designer" panels.
                Jack Peacock

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Owad []
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 1998 9:19 AM
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: Re: Painting Macs (was: fake NeXT)

>I have this weird idea that one day custom paint jobs on computers
>make me some extra money. Am I crazy? Do you think there would ever be
>market for it?
Received on Tue Jul 14 1998 - 12:23:03 BST

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