On Jul 13, 18:07, Zane H. Healy wrote:
> Here is a question, how do you include terminals? For example I've got a
> Tandy WP-2, it's a combo Word Processor, terminal sort of thing,
> a keyboard with a LCD strip. Would it be a computer, or a terminal.
In the list I posted, I included anything that was vaguely a computer, like
the Psion and the AgendA, and the Torch, which is really a second processor
for a BBC B. I didn't include terminals, such as my VT131, a couple of
Cifer terminals, and some Wyse terminals. If the WP-2 runs software, even
just a dedicated word processor, I'd probably count it.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York
Received on Tue Jul 14 1998 - 16:09:25 BST