Do those panels have any circuitry in the back? Switches that are
stamped with the date? Could you make pictures of the back as well?
>A bit ago, I posted a request to help identify some old front-panels
>that have been in my collection for about 20 years. I didn't get a
>single response! With all of the wise guys (sorry - smart folks ;-)
>in this group, I'm disappointed! Somebody has to recognize them!
>Allison? Anyone? Anyone? (The pictures are on my web page at
> Just click on the "Classic
>Computers" link, then "Unidentified Technological Artifacts".) Your
>help would be appreciated?
> -Bill Richman
> (Home of the COSMAC Elf Simulator!)
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Received on Sat Jul 18 1998 - 13:47:33 BST