Need info on classic iron.

From: J. Buck Caldwell <>
Date: Mon Jul 20 15:04:52 1998

A friend of mine has two systems that he needs to find info on.

1. Symbolics 3650 - this system boots into a wierd LISP command prompt, but complains durring boot
about not being able to find the rest of the "world." Any info to help admin the thing would be

2. Fortune 32:16, formerly running ForPro. Unfortunately, the boot drive crashed. He has tapes,
floppies, but no HD (I think) - is this worthy to be kept?

Any help will be appreciated. I might end up adding these systems to my collection, right next to my
7 VAX systems.

J. Buck Caldwell
               Engineer - Technical Support - Webmaster
Polygon, Inc.   phone: (314) 432-4142
PO Box 8470       fax: (314) 997-9696
St. Louis, MO 63132     bbs: (314) 997-9682
Received on Mon Jul 20 1998 - 15:04:52 BST

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