Mac Portable Progress

From: Tom Owad <>
Date: Tue Jul 21 21:45:51 1998

> 1. The portable won't accept a 1.44mb disk created with a PowerMac
>but that contains System 6.0.1 (I get the disk with the "X" in it). I
>thought that the drive was a 1.44mb disk.

The Mac Portables did ship with 1.44mb drives, but that doesn't
necessarily mean that's what yours has. I came across one once that had
been replaced with an 800k.

> 3. It will not accept an 800k disk formatted by an SE/30 which
>contains System 6.0.1.
> 4. It *will* accept an 800k installer disk, but it complains that the
>disk contains a "minimal" script file, and that I need a "full" install
>script. Arrrgh...

So you actually get a happy Mac when you insert that disk? Have you
tried a genuine System Tools disk?

Tom Owad

Sysop of Caesarville Online
Client software at: <>
Received on Tue Jul 21 1998 - 21:45:51 BST

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