Compaq//safety issues

From: <(>
Date: Wed Jul 22 09:03:27 1998

While I suppose it's technically possible to be electrocuted by anything
plugged into a wall outlet, I really have a hard time buying this story.
There's got to be more to it than that. Can you tell me in what newspaper
it appeared?

"Charles E. Fox" <> on 07/22/98 09:47:50 AM

Please respond to

To: "Discussion re-collecting of classic computers"
cc: (bcc: Bill Sheehan/Corporate/SWEC)
Subject: Re: Compaq//safety issues

     Todays paper has an article about a fourteen year old Southern Ontario
who electrocuted himself while using his computer "when the keyboard became
disconnected and he tried to plug it in"!!
     This sounds nearly impossible and very hard on all the young people
are trying to conn a computer out of their parents.
     If I hear any more I will pass it along.

                                         Charlie Fox
Received on Wed Jul 22 1998 - 09:03:27 BST

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