Off-topic informational anti-spam anecdotal

From: Sam Ismail <>
Date: Wed Jul 22 14:28:04 1998

On Wed, 22 Jul 1998 wrote:

> I've often wondered about adding a BCD-DTMF chip and a pulse counter to
> make dial phones do tones for all the robots you ring up and have to
> type numbers to communicate with. But where do I put # and *?
> Suggestions?

'*' and '#' have no pulse analogues. However, in the states at least, the
equivalent to dialing a dial access code preceded by a star or pound is
generally achieved by rotary dialing '11' before the code (ie. *69 would
be 1169).

As for trying to communicate with auto-attendants, you'll probably have to
add external buttons to your rotary phone to give you the capability of
dialing '*' and '#'.

While a pulse-to-DTMF converter is a neat hack (and these sort of
converters were installed in some step-by-step exchanges in the US, at
least there were in my local exchange when we were step-by-step, but come
to think of it I don't know why, unless they were converting my pulse
dialed digits to DTMF so that some other adjunct piece of equipment such
as a Dialed Number Recorder could know what digits I was dialing, for
purposes of surveillance ;) it'd be easier to just buy a cheap DTMF phone.

Sam Alternate e-mail:
Ever onward.

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Received on Wed Jul 22 1998 - 14:28:04 BST

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