Can I make use of the Centronics interface? What type of 'serial car'
do you recommend? Can I use my Apple //c w/serial port but w/o CP/M?
>Apple ][ disks don't use standard FM or MFM encoding, so Macs and PCs
>read them. If you can find a serial car for the Apple, the easiest way
>would be to get a copy of Kermit-65 (for DOS 3.3 files) and/or Kermit80
>(for CP/M) and transfer the files over a serial link -- that's what I
>Kermit-65 comes with instructions on how to get it into an Apple that
>doesn't already have any kind of file transfer software, and IIRC
>has some similar instructions. You can get Kermit by anonymous ftp
>, or, or from any of
>several mirror sites.
>Pete Peter Turnbull
> Dept. of Computer Science
> University of York
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Received on Fri Jul 24 1998 - 17:50:45 BST