I just acquired two Apple prototype keyboards. The keyboard is very
small with no frame and only 58 keys. They hvae stereo-type connectors
on them, as oppose to ADB, and I have an adapter box to hook them up to a
Mac Plus (and they do work, btw).
According to my "AppleDesign" book, they are "Cassie" keyboards,
co-designed by Mannock and Esslinger for the SnowWhite Project. Does
anyone have any further information on these keyboards? And how do
things like this get outside of Apple? I'm under the impression Apple
doesn't exactly give this kind of stuff away.
On the back the keyboards read:
Development Engineering
S/n# Model#
(the other says "1032")
Does Apple start numbering at '1' or '1000'?
The keyboard, btw, is obviously a prototype. The whole thing seems quite
flimsy and the keys are all angled slightly differently.
Sysop of Caesarville Online
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Received on Sat Jul 25 1998 - 17:22:18 BST