mac os stuff WAS: Re: Zenith Data Systems laptop

From: Poesie <>
Date: Tue Jul 28 10:16:01 1998

Well, you can get older versions of the Mac OS from apple, up to I think
system 7.6.1 (? correct me here, mac people.) Just download and then do
what you will with them. as far as apps, I suppose you could find alot
at thrift shops (I find many old school titles for macs there...) or
depending on how old the systems are, you could use NetBSD or some unix
variant :)


PG Manney wrote:
> I was just given a Mac, which doesn't seem to have a hard drive or software.
> Does anyone have an O/S he (she) would wish to get rid of cheap(ly), plus an
> app or two?
Received on Tue Jul 28 1998 - 10:16:01 BST

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