On Wed, 29 Jul 1998, Ward Donald Griffiths III wrote:
> You _are_ signed up for the list -- your message arrived. This does
> not mean that everybody will see them -- and no, I am _not_ a list
> administrator -- killfiles are individual choices.
Actually, you can send messages to the list without having to be
subscribed. I do it all the time when I have a message come in to another
one of my mailboxes and want to forward it on to CC.
So I've come to figure that all of these people who have been randomly
poking their heads in once in a while with bizarre requests have been
sending messages via some portal on some web page somewhere.
Sam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Ever onward.
September 26 & 27...Vintage Computer Festival 2
http://www.siconic.com/vcf for details!
[Last web page update: 07/26/98]
Received on Wed Jul 29 1998 - 22:45:18 BST