Apple ][ video

From: Greg Troutman <>
Date: Fri Jun 5 07:14:24 1998

Tom Owad wrote:
> >BTW, I just picked up a coffee-table book called "Apple Design" which
> >shows a lot of pretty pictures of Apples and Apple prototypes. The Lisa
> >appears to be the only machine whose product name matched its project
> >name. Apple seemed to be into girl's names at the time. The Apple ///
> >was developed under the project name "Sara." Who was Lisa named after,
> >anybody know?
> The Lisa was named after the daughter of Steve Jobs, Lisa Nicole.
> Officially, Lisa stood for "Logical Integrated Software Architecture."
> The names of females, usually family of Apple employees, were often used
> to code name projects at Apple in the late 70's/early 80's.

Perhaps a habit Jobs picked up from Atari. The 2600 was coded named and
is still affectionately known as Stella. I forget the others off-hand,
but most Atari products had girls names as well.

Received on Fri Jun 05 1998 - 07:14:24 BST

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