FW: Q-Bus Cards available

From: Bruce Lane <SpamDelendaEst_at_my-dejanews.com>
Date: Sun Jun 7 21:21:39 1998

        Fellow's looking to get rid of some Q-bus cards. Despite his listed
prices (I'd wager he'll let them go for a heck of a lot less), it looks
like he's just going to trash the stuff if they're not bought.

        If interested, contact him directly.

        Attachment follows.

-=-=- <snip> -=-=-

From: cfchiesa_at_cyber1.servtech.com (christopher f. chiesa)
Newsgroups: comp.os.vms,comp.sys.dec
Subject: Q-bus Cards FS
Date: 7 Jun 1998 19:24:01 -0400
Organization: ServiceTech, Inc.
Lines: 49
Message-ID: <6lf7eh$4nk_at_cyber1.servtech.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: cyber1.servtech.com
Xref: blushng.jps.net comp.os.vms:3070 comp.sys.dec:1075

Hello, all...

   Apologies in advance if any of the following is inappropriate in either
content or presentation; if it is, feel free to TELL me, but please use
and please be gentle!

   After cannibalizing a disused MicroVAX III, I'm left with several "ex-
cess" Q-bus cards (see list below) and thought I'd see if anyone here
like to buy any of 'em. If not, out to the curb they go, a week from this

Wednesday or maybe sooner.

   As a VERY GENERAL guideline of what these cards "are worth," my list
shows prices I found on a "DEC reseller" Website, which prices I assume to
be relatively "current." However, because these cards are used, and
I don't really know their condition (operating/not), A) I don't expect to
receive these prices and will entertain "any reasonable offer," and B) if
you buy an item, send me your money (plus shipping, unless you can pick it
up in person in the Rochester, NY area), then within 30 days of my
the item you determine that it DOESN'T WORK, simply return it to me for a
full refund of your purchase price (shipping is NON-refundable).

  Having said that, here's the list:

   Card-Edge Model "DEC reseller
      ID Number Description Price


    M3106 DZQ11 4-line, double-buffered, async EIA $219
                          (serial port) mux, w/modem control
    M7546 TQK50 TMSCP controller for TK50 tape unit $258

    M7651 DRV11-WA 18/22-bit DMA general-purpose interface $507

     N/A QT13 or QT14 (Emulex) tape-drive controller (this N/A
                            unit was used with CDC 9-track drive)


  (FWIW, I also have the above-mentioned 9-track drive, but it's far too
bulky for me to even TRY to SHIP unless YOU REALLY MAKE IT WORTH MY WHILE.

If I don't get a convincing offer, or an in-person pickup scheduled, by
8AM this coming Wednesday (6/10), this drive ALSO goes out to the curb!)

   Again, apologies if this is off base in any way. Hope to hear from
interested parties soon!

  Chris Chiesa

Bruce Lane, Sysop, The Dragon's Cave (Fido 1:343/272)
http://table.jps.net/~kyrrin -- also kyrrin [A-t] Jps {D=o=t} Net
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Received on Sun Jun 07 1998 - 21:21:39 BST

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