But did Apple license this stuff or were they clean-room type clones?
Where did the user get an OS?
>>I made a timely find today of the first edition of _Build Your Own
>>Macintosh and Save a Bundle_. In Chapter 2 it has a price comparison
>>between the clone "Cat" Mac and the real Mac. The computers it lists
>>Cat Mac SE
>>Cat Mac SE 30
>>Cat Mac II
>>Cat Mac IIfx
>>Cat Mac IIcx
>>Cat Mac IIci
>I was referring to the actual clones. I'm not sure where it is in your
>book, but in my 2nd edition, if you look at Chapter 11, Cat Mac builder
>alternatives, you will see mention of the Mac clones Zane listed.
>Tom Owad
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Received on Mon Jun 08 1998 - 14:48:55 BST