Clueless Museums (was: Final Xerox Star demo)

From: Allison J Parent <>
Date: Mon Jun 8 21:36:18 1998

<And another point. There are a lot of ways to make (say) an oscillator.
<If you're designing something you probably only need to know a couple of
<them. But if you're repairing it, you'd better understand the one that
<was used.

True! I have the advantage that I see designs and immediatly see the
core of the design with all the fluff removed. But it's years of
experience and a good basic grounding in circuit theory that allows me to
look st stuff I've never seen and synthsize the elements of the design in
my head and troubleshoot it, right down to seeing it's weak points of
likely failure.

Received on Mon Jun 08 1998 - 21:36:18 BST

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