Early Mac Clones

From: Max Eskin <maxeskin_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Tue Jun 9 20:38:12 1998

Executor is just like all other "mostly compatible" things. It works
perfectly with everything but that which you want it to run. I've run
Lemmings, Netscape (w/ screwed up colors), and that's about it.
Nothing much will really run, and you can be assured that you won't
be able to install a program because there is no system folder (the
least of the install problems; the most is missing system calls).
>problems with sound but seems to work just fine on my machine.
>im having some problems trying to unstuff mac files from disk,
>because of the mac's forked files.
I was wondering what the point was of the resource fork, who invented
it, how it's better than a simple bunch of characters, and why they
didn't think that 20 years later we'd be ripping our hair out because of

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Received on Tue Jun 09 1998 - 20:38:12 BST

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