Early Mac Clones

From: John Foust <jfoust_at_threedee.com>
Date: Thu Jun 11 09:47:32 1998

At 11:25 PM 6/10/98 -0400, Ward Donald Griffiths III wrote:
>(Compare the CLI to the Unix Bourne shell sometime -- you'll notice
>that sense of similarity known as plagiarism.)

Huh? The AmigaDOS CLI - and I'm talking 1.0 as opposed to later
editions and common customization and corruptions that did smell
like Unix by design - didn't seem like any Unix shell I knew.
Its Tripos and BCPL origins seemed quite weird to my senses.

And "plagiarism"? Don't you mean "tribute"? :-)

- John
Received on Thu Jun 11 1998 - 09:47:32 BST

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