Before we go any further, which Packard Bells are we talking about?
I don't know the old ones (I rescued a 286 PB still in the box from a
compactor about a year ago and hid it where I thought it would be
safe; I doubt they will ever get that ceramic off the dumpster's ram),
but the new ones are ugly and had that stupid navigator thing that
looked like screenshots from Myst (do they still?). But, how bad
can a design get (am I asking for it?)?
>You mean there's a difference? :)
>Packard Bell: Today's headache, tomorrow's obscure collectible. Hey,
>never know: People might start collecting only the badly designed
>It could happen.
>- john higginbotham ____________________________
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Received on Thu Jun 11 1998 - 15:33:07 BST