
From: Shawn Rutledge <>
Date: Fri Jun 12 15:33:28 1998

> <Does anyone know of a *cheap* source of a VGA-compatible display? What I
> <looking for, especially, is low power usage, followed by compactness and
> <portability. Thanks!
> I'm also interested in same and know someone that might like info.
> There is a truck load of applications for a cheap/compact/lowpower
> VGA display.

At least small CGA and mono monitors have been cheap for a long time.
Places that advertise in Electronics Now tend to have them for ~$30ish.
They are usually open-frame.

  _______                      KB7PWD _at_ KC7Y.AZ.US.NOAM
 (_  | |_)   Shawn T. Rutledge    on the web:
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Received on Fri Jun 12 1998 - 15:33:28 BST

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