FW: Fellow wants a VAX, willing to pay...

From: kyrrin_at_jps.net <(kyrrin_at_jps.net)>
Date: Fri Jun 12 23:06:50 1998

        Except for MV3100's (he explicitly says no to them), this fellow's
willing to pay real money for a cheap VAXen.

        If you can help, reply to him directly. Thanks.

        Attachment follows.

-=-=- <snip> -=-=-

From: Mark Tarka <tarka_at_earth.oscs.montana.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.os.vms
Subject: WTB small VAX system -- WA State
Message-ID: <009C797D.53C8C87D.1_at_earth.oscs.montana.edu>
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 11:25:55 MDT
Organization: Info-Vax<==>Comp.Os.Vms Gateway
X-Gateway-Source-Info: Mailing List
Lines: 9

I will be in Western Washington State next week (6/16 to 6/22) on
business (American Chemical Society regional meeting in the

Is there anyone in the Spokane-Walla Walla-Yakima triangle with a
small VAX to donate or sell ($200 or less)? No MV3100's, please.


Bruce Lane, Sysop, The Dragon's Cave (Fido 1:343/272)
http://table.jps.net/~kyrrin -- also kyrrin [A-t] Jps {D=o=t} Net
Spam is bad. Spam is theft of service. Spam wastes resources. Don't spam, period.
I am a WASHINGTON STATE resident. Spam charged $500.00 per incident per Chapter 19 RCW.
Received on Fri Jun 12 1998 - 23:06:50 BST

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