Old Microsoft stuff...

From: John Higginbotham <higginbo_at_netpath.net>
Date: Mon Jun 15 09:50:22 1998

At 05:37 PM 6/15/98 +0300, you wrote:

> Other than OS's and current Office Applications (and, of course,
>Internet Explorer, which is a decent browser, and DOES have pleanty of
>innovation, if you're prepared to admit it.), what did MS make? Anything
>for say... the Apple II? PDP's? UN*X boxes (once again, omitting current
>ports of IE 4.0)?

Does Microsoft BASIC on the TRS-80 Model 100 count?

john higginbotham limbo.netpath.net -
webmaster, http://www.pntprinting.com -
"Teamwork is essential; it gives the -
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Received on Mon Jun 15 1998 - 09:50:22 BST

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