I am posting this message on the behalf of a third party.
PLease contact him directly.
For Sale:
IMSAI 8080 Microcomputer
This is the model with the switches on the front panel (non turnkey).
Several memory boards
Original IMS CPU
Tarbell tape controller
MicroComplex Phase Lock II FDC (by Frank Hogg)
Video Adaptor/Keyboard Interface
External Keyboard
Dual Cassette drives (they look pretty strange)
Dual 5.25 Floppy drives (non IMSAI)
There is 'A Ton' of software for this thing, and it's supposed to
run CP/M (I've seen the docs, but not the floppies). All of the
boards, software, etc. have the original docs. Alot of the software
is on cassette.
There are also a bunch of spare boards:
qty Make Model Whatizit?
--- ------------- --------------------- --------------
11 Micro Complex Phase Lock II FDC
1 North Star MDC-A2 MDC
1 Coex 64k Static RAM
1 Tanner 64k Static Ram
1 MITS 8800 CPU CPU Card
1 Solid State Music S-100 Video Interface
1 Morrow 8k RAM Module
1 WameCo EPM-2 EPROM Board
1 PolyMorphic Syst. A/D + D/A
2 Morrow/Godbout Econo-RAM 4k memory
1 STM 8k(?) RAM Board
1 Celetron Altair Board Extender
1 Vandenburg Data 16k Static Ram
The seller would favor selling the whole lot.
Asking price: $300
Denys G. Fredrickson
Received on Tue Jun 16 1998 - 19:43:15 BST
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