OK, I know what a track and a sector is, but what is the difference
between hardsector and softsector?
>Allison J Parent wrote:
>> <one micro w/5.25" disks be compatible with another with 5.25" disks,
>> <i.e. my apple with a C-128? Also, if a computer can run CP/M 3+ can
>> Apple is weird with their formats, nearly hardsector. C-128 has a
>> compatable and incompatable formats. The rest were all over the map.
>Actually, Apple was the _ultimate_ soft-sector, as it didn't pay any
>attention to sector detect at all -- it had to read the whole track
>then figure out where it started. It's a major reason why database
>applications were never a big thing on Apples until hard disks showed
>up -- updating things by record was only possible by writing whole
>Ward Griffiths
>They say that politics makes strange bedfellows.
>Of course, the main reason they cuddle up is to screw somebody else.
> Michael Flynn, _Rogue Star_
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Received on Wed Jun 17 1998 - 09:43:58 BST