old mac cards

From: Bill/Carolyn Pechter <pechter_at_shell.monmouth.com>
Date: Wed Jun 17 20:44:23 1998

> On Wed, 17 Jun 1998, Paul E Coad wrote:
> >
> > As part of a deal I got a small pile of Mac nubus cards. My goal is
> > to identify them and find them new homes before I need to get them
> > shots, fixed, or they start reproducing in my closet like the 1200 bps
> > modem cards seem to be doing.
> >
> > Farallon PhoneNET Card
> > It has AUI and 10BaseT connectors. This one looks like an ethernet card.
> > Is it?

It's basically an Appletalk type interface. Fast, serial over
phone wire.

> Hah! Ya, Farallon had these nifty packages to let you integrate PC's/Mac's
> in the same network. I once worked on one such network that used a Mac II
> as the file server. Users with PC laptops who scanned tiff images in the
> field had to upload to it. If I remember right, it was ~3 minutes to the
> meg on the transfer. You can't believe how happy everyone was when I
> replaced that Mac II with a 66mhz 486 running NT 3.51....

Yeah, but my Mac IIfx I rescued runs pretty close to a 486/25 in
usability... and probably a lot better than the NT3.51 in terms of

I'm not a Windows hater... but NT ran like a pig on the 486/66's I ran.
Actually, the mac with ethernet performs pretty well with TCP/IP.


| Bill/Carolyn Pechter | 17 Meredith Drive | Tinton Falls, New Jersey 07724 |
| 908-389-3592 | Save computing history, give an old geek old hardware. |
| pechter_at_shell.monmouth.com |
Received on Wed Jun 17 1998 - 20:44:23 BST

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