> Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 00:27:53 -0800
> Reply-to: classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu
> From: Rax <rax_at_warbaby.com>
> To: "Discussion re-collecting of classic computers" <classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu>
> Subject: Re: What is the first computer?
> On a related note - I've been researching the history of computing for a
> book that I'm working on. At this point, I've got a pretty complete (I
> think) timeline. As soon as I can figure out (or some kind soul explains)
Hi R,
> how I can convert a MS Word (5.1 - I hate the later versions) table into an
> HTML table (the timeline runs about 10,000 words and I can't face the
> thought of re-typing it), I'll post it on my Web site for list members'
> general edification and enlightenment, as well as criticisms, corrections,
> and nit-picking.
Very commandable work! :)
BUT, that stupid WORD program tricked you with that file size.
Every time you revise the doc, moved around, made corrections, large
chunks of dupliace text got added as feature of "undo" backup which I
considered "Bad Thing" to do so and keep growing.
Why not try this:
Select all then copy it to new document, save it. Look at the file
size. about 1/3 smaller! Now, save as with different name again
from that newly created as ascii text file, loses all the special and
formatting but this makes more compatiable with html later on.
For me, no Word no thanks!
There should be a proper WP program that doesn't add fluff and bloat
1+n in file size every time you change one word. :) IMHO.
Jason D.
> R.
> --
> Warbaby
> The WebSite. The Domain. The Empire.
> http://www.warbaby.com
> The MonkeyPool
> WebSite Content Development
> http://www.monkeypool.com
> Dreadlocks on white boys give me the willies.
email: jpero_at_cgo.wave.ca
Pero, Jason D.
Received on Thu Jun 18 1998 - 03:24:55 BST