You might want to check out the MDP-8008 Assembler Users Manual at:
From: dave dameron
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 1998 5:47 PM
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: Re: 8008 Datasheets
Hi Doug and all,
At 05:04 PM 6/18/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Does anybody have Intel 8008 datasheets that they're willing to copy for
>me? I'll gladly pay for the copying/shipping.
I have a bunch of stuff on the 8008, some too much for me to easily copy
completely, including the MCS-8 8008 Users Manual (126 pages).
In the 1976 Intel Data catalog, there is a 7 page data sheet:
Page 1 Title and block diag.
page 2 Photomicrograph
Page 3 Functional pin description
Page 4,5 Instruction set
Page 6 Ratings, D.C., A.C. characteristics
Page 7 Timing Diagram
Received on Fri Jun 19 1998 - 09:36:41 BST