On Fri, 19 Jun 1998, Ken Yaksa wrote:
> Hi there...
> > Actually you can get copies of 6.0.x and 7.0.x from one of their FTP
> sites
> >
> ftp://ftp5.info.apple.com/Apple.Support.Area/Apple_SW_Updates/US/Macintosh/S
> yste
> > m/Older_System/
> >
> > Of course you need a functional Mac to make the floppies. If you have
> both
> > hard drives, simply make sure the SCSI ID's are set to different numbers,
> > and either leave both in the machine, or copy the 40Mb drive to the
> larger
> > one. Another more expensive alternative would be to get a external
> > and a copy of MacOS on CD.
> Umm.... If there has any method to build up the Mac Discs on a PC??
Yes, there is a free(?)/share(?)ware program named MAC-ETTE that will
format, read, and write the 1.44mb Mac disks. The problem that most of
us non-Mac yokels have is trying to figure out what goes in which fork!
You should be abble to find it with a Web search.
- don
> Yours,
> Ken Yaksa
Received on Fri Jun 19 1998 - 14:55:32 BST