First personal storage media...

From: Joel Fedorko <>
Date: Sat Jun 20 09:47:43 1998

At 09:25 PM 6/18/98 -0700, you wrote:
>New Topic! Ok people: what sort of storage media (and for what system) did
>you guys carry around to start out with?
[Joel Fedorko]
Mid-Late '70s -
        Punch Cards (80 col) for the IBM box
        Paper tape for various HP & DEC boxes (with upgrades to mylar in the later years),
        tape cartridges for the HP2645A Mini Data Station,
        tape cassettes for a TI? terminal,
        DECtape PDPs,
        LINCtape (relative of DECtape) DEC, DG, Varian, Perkin-Elmer, Altair
Late 70s early 80s
        9 Track tape dominated across the board
        8" floppy for micro's
        Brief encounter with the 96 column System 32 punch card
        40 Meg disk pack for HP3000 (forget drive part#, it was made by CDC?)
Received on Sat Jun 20 1998 - 09:47:43 BST

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