First personal storage media...

From: Max Eskin <>
Date: Sat Jun 20 15:30:30 1998

Sorry about the white space, I'm using Lynx, as always...
I agree with that! I've taken two sets of disks for Mac System 7 from
a Mac Lab, and both had bad disks. OTOH, the 6.0.4 disks still work
fine, probably because of the lower density. Sometimes I wonder if
there's something wrong w/my drives, but they can read data written
by other drives...
>a month later. And yes my drive heads are clean, and the drive is set
>as per the service manual.
>Sometimes I wish I could pay more for a disk and get one that lasts. My
>data is worth a lot more than $5 or whatever.
>> New Topic! Ok people: what sort of storage media (and for what
system) did
>> you guys carry around to start out with?
My first exposure to storage was 5.25" disks in third grade for the
Apple ][. It was old then. We were being terrorized by a moron who
spent a month telling us to put disks into a sleeve. I wondered if
he knew to do anything else. BTW, can a disk be damaged if taken out
while it is being read from? That was a sin I had commited...
>After that came : magnetic cards on an HP41CV, 5.25" floppies
>on the school's RML380Z, then on my TRS-80), paper tape (I got a
>non-working ASR33 and repaired it), 8" floppies, 3" floppies, punched
>cards, 3.5" floppies, hard disk packs, 9 track tapes, QIC tapes.
>Of course many of those are used on more than 1 machine, and I'm only
>listing the first time I used them.

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Received on Sat Jun 20 1998 - 15:30:30 BST

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