BULL - XPS 120 - HELP!

From: Ken Kant <kkant_at_tiger.hastings.esu9.k12.ne.us>
Date: Sun Jun 21 02:01:46 1998

I have a BULL XPS 120 (or 100 not sure) .. either way its a Mini Frame..
that I got from a college here, and it is supposed to work.. now my
question is how do I do this :). I am fairly knowledable with Unix..
etc..and I have ALL the docuamentation, and DISKS that came with it. and
terminals ..etc Can anyone help me get this pumping :).. Also I heard
rumors of being able to still order cards for it .. like RJ45 ethernet
add on board. I would love to get one of those. If you can help I would
be forever in your debt :)

Thanks :)

Received on Sun Jun 21 1998 - 02:01:46 BST

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