I remember back in '98 when Ward Donald Griffiths III wrote:
> Chris Halarewich wrote:
> >
> > I was looking around at http://www.patents.ibm.com
> >
> > I discovered that Commodore Electronics held the
> > patent for the case of the TRS-80 CoCo2(3?), which makes me wonder if
> > they designed the rest of the computer for Radio Shack.
> >
> > Any Edgeumacated guesses anyone...anyone :)
I recall that Commodore started buisness as a manufacturer of cases and
such, so this isn't too much of a surprise.
IIRC I read this in a book _The Secret Art of Computers_. I haven't
heard anything about the book in years, but I remember that it was pretty
interesting at the time (1987, 88?). My favortite part was the section
where the author examined programming in about 2 dozen languages,
from BASIC to FORTH to APL to SNOBOL .. and more.
Anyone know what happened to the book (I assume it is no longer published)
/* Matt Sayler -- mpsayler_at_zen.as.utexas.edu -- atwork?astronomy:cs
http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/mpsayler -- (512)471-7450
Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations? */
Received on Mon Jun 22 1998 - 10:01:33 BST