< A uVAX 2000 uses MFM drives, either a
<Microplis 1325/DEC RD53 (70MB) or a Maxtor 2190/DEC RD54 (159MB). In
<order to load VMS you really need the RD54, 70MB is too small. The HD
You can load v5.4 on to a RD53 if DECwindows is tailored off. You get
about 20k blocks that way. A RD54 is better though.
I have three of them, nice uVAX two running VMS (rd53), one Netboots off
the 3100m76. The third has ultrix V4.2 in rd53(70mb).
Received on Mon Jun 22 1998 - 20:35:56 BST
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