IMSAI 8080

From: <(>
Date: Tue Jun 23 08:25:29 1998

>> And anyway, a number of S100 cards included boot ROMs, etc. Those need to
>> be backed up.
> Shure, but where ? Just on a disk ? I already have the problem
> that I can't read some fd's of the early 80s. Even APPLE II disks,
> althrough I always said that a DISK ][ drive could read and write
> anything including Bierdeckl (beer mats/coasters).
> So, what to use ? Writable CDs ? They have only a guaranteed
> lifetime of less than 15 years. Tapes ? Maybe - I have some
> PBS Tapes from 1976 and they are still readable, but they are
> 900 and 1600 BpI tapes. Any modern optical and magnetical
> medium is less reliable. So printing the hex dump and then try
> to scan it back (ocr) when a replacement is needed ?
> This sould be reliable, since it is human readable
> (Like old magnetic tapes).

Paper tape, of course!

There is an action on me from this list last year (I think) to
investigate the possibility of Tyvek tapes. I still intend to do it,
but I don't know when!

Received on Tue Jun 23 1998 - 08:25:29 BST

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