But a mouse is a mouse, isn't it? I think it is possible to adapt a PC
mouse to a mac...not the keyboard, though. There was a site on the net
dealing with these things, but I think it might be gone. It would be
much easier for the plus, btw, since it doesn't use ADB
>Sorry, this is mac! you cant adapt pc stuff for this. the se and >later
use ADB, with mini-din connectors. plus and earlier use a db9 >style
mouse and phone cord keyboard. i doubt either can be adapted. >id love
to find some mac plus keyboards and mouses so i can sell a >bunch of
macs i have myself.
>In a message dated 98-06-24 14:05:01 EDT, you write:
><< Unfortunately, it is also missing the keyboard and mouse.
> So, how easy is it to crock up a keyboard and mouse for either
> Can I modify IBM gear to fit the bill?
> As for the virus bit, that is 100% true! Their frind told them it
> spread thru the power lines. :) >>
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Received on Wed Jun 24 1998 - 13:39:24 BST