Paper floppy disk

From: Bill/Carolyn Pechter <>
Date: Wed Jun 24 17:42:31 1998

> Below is a description of the "paper floppy disk" as given by
> an old friend of mine, Dennis Adams <>,
> who once worked on this technology.
> - John
> The "Paper Floppy Disk"

> I did demo
> software on a variety of hosts, including the Storm operating system
> (multi-user CP/M OS by Ron Fowler, also the author of the popular MEX
> communications software), Commodore 64, and IBM-PC XT. We had a Coleco Adam
> computer that we briefly considered writing something for, but it never
> stayed running long enough to evaluate.

Anyone know if Ron Fowler's still out there on the net somewhere.
I'm a big Mex/Mex+ fan... and still run it occasionally
when I fire up the CP/M and early dos boxes here.

Received on Wed Jun 24 1998 - 17:42:31 BST

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