Mark 8 pc boards

From: dave dameron <>
Date: Thu Jun 25 00:19:54 1998

Today I found the company, Techniques, Inc. in Englewood, New Jersey, that
made the printed circuit boards for the "Radio Electronics" Mark 8 computer.
They are in the same location as in 1973. Afaik, they have no web site
or email. I called them to ask if they could look for
any material, or any information, like how many board sets were made or sold.

I found nothing. They first thought that "Mark 8 microcomputer" was the name
of another company. I finally found someone who said the company was bought
in 1987, and that all information before then was gone.

I've also learned that the printed circuit boards were 2-sided, but had no
plated-thru holes. This may have caused problems to IC solder connections,
making reliability problems. I don't know if this would make buyers abandon
them making the numbers larger or smaller than otherwise.
Received on Thu Jun 25 1998 - 00:19:54 BST

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