Macintosh II (lisa???)

From: Phil Beesley <>
Date: Thu Jun 25 11:50:57 1998

On 25 Jun 98 at 5:43, John Higginbotham wrote:

> >Mac IIx - 68030?
> >Mac IIfx
> >Mac IIvx (iirc)

You've missed out the IIvi as well. For information about Mac specs,
there's a great free utility called GURU from Newer Technology at
> I'm not sure about the IIvx either, but I do have a Mac IIx sitting here.
> Main difference was just a little boost on the proc speed over the Mac II.

The Mac II is a fairly lame 68020 system (no fpu, no pmmu) while the
IIX (same as IIcx but different form) is a very usable 68030.
> Question: Will any nubus card work in any mac with a nubus slot? (I'm
> talking standard form, one piece card, not the little two piece connected
> jobbies found on the SI/LC etc.)

Yes/No. Size can be a problem. Older cards were often full size and
won't fit in a IIsi or later system.

Hi res graphics cards from people like SuperMac, Radius,
RasterOps etc were always temperamental and are often reliant on OS
versions and card ROMs. It is unlikely for example that a graphics
card from a 68030 would work in a NuBus equipped PowerMac. Lots of
people ditched quite expensive graphics cards because the
manufacturers demand(ed) so much for ROM upgrades.

Accelerator cards, which tend to be full size, can cause timing
problems (eg Radius Rocket which is incompatible with AROSE, the
system software that arbitrates between NuBus slots!).

Ethernet cards would be a safe bet but the rarer stuff (GPIB, video
image grabbers etc) would guarantee interesting times...

Phil Beesley -- Computer Officer -- Distributed Systems Suppport
University of Leicester

Tel (0)116 252-2231
Received on Thu Jun 25 1998 - 11:50:57 BST

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