Mac Classic prob (was Macintoshes...)

From: Phil Beesley <>
Date: Fri Jun 26 04:33:44 1998

On 25 Jun 98 at 23:22, Zane H. Healy wrote:

> Wow, it has the complete OS in ROM? I didn't know any of the Mac's did
> that. Are there any others or was this a one shot experiment that failed?
> The OS in ROM is the main thing I like about the Atari ST's.

ISTR that Apple were looking at a diskless Mac project -- the sort
of thing that would interest education. The Classic was available as
a hard diskless model according to the manual but I've never seen
one. Of course the diskless idea would never have worked very well
as there was nowhere to install extensions/INITs and the diskless
Classic was stuck on System 6.0.x and there was no ethernet

(An aside: Sonic Systems later developed The Diskless Mac (TDM) which
used a boot PROM on an ethernet card to attach to an AppleShare
server where a System image was stored. This worked with System 7 but
the hardware range was limited.)

Phil Beesley -- Computer Officer -- Distributed Systems Suppport
University of Leicester

Tel (0)116 252-2231
Received on Fri Jun 26 1998 - 04:33:44 BST

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