Speaking of NeXTs, I have just got a lead on some available in the UK. The
mail I got is:
Unconfirmed reports are that I may be able to lay my hands on, like,
TWENTY NeXT slabs for the princely sum of 70 quid each. My mind
immediately turns to CamNet and the denizens within as sinks for such
wonderful but antique hardware. Note that if you want a 17" colour
monitor, then that is at the ultimate ripoff price of another 60 quid.
Both figures EXCLUDE VAT at the usual rate, apparently.
Machine specs are:
TurboColour NeXTStation.
68040/33 / 32MB / 500MB SCSI
+ Keyboard + Mouse + Soundbox. (as black as, like, the blackest thing -
none more black)
NeXT MegaPixel Colour Monitors (Black cool case)
17" _at_ 60 quid
21" _at_ 150 quid
If you are interested then drop me an email and I will coordinate things
with the person I got this email from.
Old Computer Collector: http://www.heydon.org/kevan/collection/
Received on Fri Jun 26 1998 - 10:47:49 BST