I'm just wondering - what DO you use these machines for? I guess you
must have been doing it for a long time if you're using classics for it.
Also, I think you should at least have an inventory of the manuals, and
an inventory of each machine, ie
Apple //c
=1 computer
=1 monitor //c
=1 AC adapter
=1 'getting started' guide
etc, etc. That way, if you give the machine to someone, you won't leave
anything out.
>That could never work for me. I have a 'working' collection - machines
>are often being used for real-world tasks (I don't really have a
>non-classic computer), they're being investigated, hacked, tweaked,
>repaired,etc. So machines rarely stay in the same place for very long.
>And while I have shelf after shelf of manuals, many of them are open on
>my workbench, near this PC, etc. They're in _use_.
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