Most of what you list are excellent things that are not yet finished.
They WILL catch on when they're done.
Bob was just a dumb program.
I find the touch screen comment unpleasant because I think touch screens
are the key to an easy-to-use interface. Voice recognition and p.p. are
in use and are gaining ground. What were bubbles, and why didn't they
catch on?
Ones you've missed? I think the Amiga caught on a lot less than it
should have, same with the Macintosh.
>BTW, I enjoy collecting over-hyped innovations that never quite
>caught on in the way they were supposed to: Bubbles. Pen-based
>computers. Touch screens. Wireless networks. Bob. MSX. Robots.
>AI. Home automation. The Z8000. The iAPX432. Parallel processing.
> Voice recognition.
>What did I miss?
>-- Doug
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