On Jun 27, 14:41, Hotze wrote:
> Would it be possible to have a control chip and a OS chip? You've got
> control chip, which contains address information on the OS chip, as well
> other EXTREMELY basic ssytem info. Then you've got the OS chip, which
> contains the OS. Because of the control chip, it could be as large as
> wanted it.
> I've also heard of a "Windows 98 on a chip" system, with 75MBPS
> put. Sounds like the first decent way to load Windows...
Well, you typically need 4 chips, since most ROMs are 8-bit wide, and most
current processors are 32-bit, but allowing a little poetic licence,
Windows on a chip is possible (and Windows CE is just that).
> PS-Did any computers have GUI's built in? I think that I recall that
> a Tandy did, but nothing else...
Amiga? Archimedes/RISC PC? Atari ST/MegaST? all those have the GUI in
Pete Peter Turnbull
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York
Received on Sat Jun 27 1998 - 18:56:09 BST