Heathkit ET-3400

From: dave dameron <ddameron_at_earthlink.net>
Date: Sun Jun 28 17:19:49 1998

At 04:06 AM 6/28/98 -0500, Doug wrote:
>I picked up an ET-3400 6800 CPU trainer today. It was obviously abused by
>several students in a past life. I've resoldered its broken connections,
>and it seems to work OK, but I can't fully test it yet because I'm missing
>the seven-segment LEDs and the monitor ROM.
>I happended to have the manual for a 1977 version of this trainer, but my
>trainer appears to be from 1987 or so and has a few differences (for one,
>it uses a 6802 rather than a 6800). Luckily, the manual has a listing of
>the monitor ROM. But I don't have a 6800 assembler.
>So, does anybody have any of the following:
>1) A monitor ROM image (preferably for a 1987 model)
>2) A 6800 assembler (preferably Linux-hosted, but DOS will work)
>3) The EPROM part number for this board (the man. mentions MCM6830A, but
>that doesn't ring a bell with me)
>4) Part numbers for the 7-segment LEDs (I only have Heathkit part nos.)
>5) A spare "1" key for my keypad :-)
I kooked on the net, but didn't find any info on the ET-3400. I did find
this page on the EC-1, however:

At least the LED's should be able to be replaced if uou know their sizes and
whether C Anode or C Cathode. Looking in catalogs like Jameco, the part
numbers don't help my memory, but the size/descriptions do.
Have wished to see a Heath cross reference for things like IC's, transistors.,
collected from a large number of their manuals. I have at least 1 2716 with
a Heath number on it- have no idea what it's for.
Received on Sun Jun 28 1998 - 17:19:49 BST

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