Info wanted: Digital RZ23 SCSI Drive

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Tue Jun 30 02:35:41 1998

On Jun 29, 18:09, Shawn Rutledge wrote:
> Subject: Re: Info wanted: Digital RZ23 SCSI Drive

> > I've got two Digital RZ23 3.5" SCSI drives I'd like to find some more
> > on. I basically need the specs (cylinder, head, size, etc.) and jumper
> > settings. Anyone got anything?

I used these settings in my format.dat file for a Sparcstation:
ncyl = 772 ; acyl = 2 ; pcyl = 774 ; nhead = 8 ; nsect = 33 ; rpm =3600

The SCSI ID is set by three jumpers next to one of the large custom chips
on the control board. The jumper nearest the edge of the board is ID0, the
one nearest the chip is ID2. Jumper fitted = 1, unfitted = 0. I don't
have any jumpers on other pins.

There are some pins on the front, in a 14-pin connector. I can't remember
what they all do except that the pair nearest the centre of the drive are
for the LED.

This drive doesn't spin up until given a Start Motor command, and the DEC
firmware is different to the standard Connor firmware so there is no jumper
setting to control this.

> > I think the original manufacturer was Conner. It also has the model
> > 3100D, which I think is a Conner drive.

It is.

> And Conner was recently bought by Seagate, which has a pretty informative
> web site. Try looking it up there.

The diagrams there, for the "obvious" Connor equivalent, are mostly correct
for the RZ23, IIRC. That's where I originally got most of the information,
a couple of years ago.

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Dept. of Computer Science
						University of York
Received on Tue Jun 30 1998 - 02:35:41 BST

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