Found this on Usenet. A fellow in Colorado's looking for a home for a
DS3100. Any takers, please contact him directly.
-=-=- <snip> -=-=-
From: (JimVela)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.dec
Subject: DS3100: Free to good home
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <>
Date: 04 May 1998 17:03:45 GMT
Organization: AOL
I have a DS3100 system which I picked up cheap, and was planning to play
with NetBSD or OpenBSD on it.
As it turns out, I've picked up a couple of other projects and will
probably never get 'around to it'.
I'll give the system away to anyone who can pick it up- I'm near Boulder,
The system is a DecStation 3100 with a VR299 monitor and Dec Keyboard. I
don't have a mouse, or hard drives. I believe that there is 16Mb of Ram
installed. As far as I know, it works fine. (I never got further than
realizing that the mouse was generating an error on boot, and never made a
loopback connector to go further.)
Anyone that's interested, reply via email...
Jim Velasquez
Bruce Lane, SysOp,
The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fido 1:343/272)
kyrrin {at} j<p>s d[o]t n=e=t
"...No matter how hard we may wish otherwise, our science can only describe
an object, event, or living creature, in our own human terms. It cannot possibly
define any of them!..."
Received on Mon May 04 1998 - 23:30:48 BST