Why Can't Microsoft do telnet right...

From: Bill/Carolyn Pechter <pechter_at_shell.monmouth.com>
Date: Sun May 10 09:20:44 1998

> Bill/Carolyn Pechter wrote:
> > > Ok, how come when I'm using a windows95 based telnet client I get all
> > > sorts of wacky-assed errors when I'm using PINE, like "Folder closed due
> > > to access error" and "Folder reduced to 0 bytes" and "error this" and
> > > "error that". Basically stuff I never get when I'm using ProComm Plus.
> > > Why is this? Why is a bug-free telnet session such a chore under Windows?
> > > This is not just with the lame windows telnet either. I thought getting
> > > CRT would clear this up but it happens with that too. What's going on
> > > here? Any help would be greatly apprciated, especially in private e-mail.
> > >
> > > Sam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
> >
> > Try another telnet... Take a look at www.tucows.org at TeraTerm Pro...
> > or the upgrade to Hilgraeve's terminal emulator that ships with windows.
> > The Microsoft Telnet is NOT VT100 compatible.
> Or try another operating system.

Sure... if you're going to Unix. I've got FreeBSD, NetBSD and Linux running
here along with OS/2. I haven't seen anything other than screen that gave
you VT100 from Linux. OS/2, of course, gives very good vt100 emulation
with it's TCP/IP. Microsoft doesn't give a _at_!#$%^&.

Real vt100 emulation is a need if you try to talk to REAL DEC operating
systems. Try running EDT on a bad emulator in keypad mode 8-(
Try talking to DEC's RT11 KED or K52 with the MS emulator (ugh).

I'm forced to use WinNT/Win95 for some work (I do dual boot into
either FreeBSD or OS/2 where I can at work). VT100 should be fairly easy
for MS to do. Most shareware does it better. (My $15.00 Quarterdec internet
suite disk in the Computer City cheap pile works great and is very compatible.)

I'm using the PCVT driver with FreeBSD which is more VT100/VT220 compatible
than the standard console driver which looks like a SCO ansi console.


| Bill/Carolyn Pechter | 17 Meredith Drive | Tinton Falls, New Jersey 07724 |
| 908-389-3592 | Save computing history, give an old geek old hardware. |
| pechter_at_shell.monmouth.com |
Received on Sun May 10 1998 - 09:20:44 BST

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